Playing Shift

  • The Score Pad

    The top center of each card has a colored star. The score pad can help you count which colors come up more often than others. By watching what colors show up more often, you can tell which chakra is out of balance. You can also take a chakra quiz here. For example, if you notice that red comes up more than any other color, it might be time to work on balancing your root chakra. Refer to the chart below:

  • Root

    Muladhara,-Root Chakra (Red)- represents being secure, grounded and safe. When Blocked: feeling fearful, leg and feet issues, chaotic home life. To Balance: Earth affirming activities (hiking, gardening etc.), wear color red, identify then release fears, do yoga for legs & feet.

  • Sacral

    Swadhisthana - Sacral Chakra (Orange) –represents creativity, sensuality, emotional flow with self and others. When Blocked: feelings of guilt, being overwhelmed, disconnected and uncreative. To Balance: Water affirming tasks: (drink water, swim, loving bath), dance, wear orange, release blame and guilt, strengthen and stretch hips.

  • Solar Plexus

    Manipura - Solar Plexus Chakra (Yellow) – represents self image, willpower. When Blocked: feelings of shame,digestive issues ,low self-esteem, or overinflated ego. To Balance: release self disappointments, candle meditation, sunshine, wear yellow, strengthen and twist stomach area.

  • Heart Chakra

    Anahata - Heart Chakra (Green) - influences giving and receiving love—from others and ourselves. When Blocked: feelings of grief, pain and tight shoulders, inability to receive and give love. To Balance: identify the rebirth of new love, deep breaths outdoors, practice love to yourself and others. wear colors green or pink. yoga for chest, upper extremities.

  • Throat

    Vishuddha - Throat Chakra (Blue) - represents truth, communication with self and others. When Blocked: dishonest to self and others, mouth and neck issues, inability to speak for oneself, or set proper boundaries, or overtalkative. To Balance: Sing or chant, drink herbal teas, wear turquoise, listen to beautiful music.

  • Third Eye

    Ajna - Third Eye Chakra (Indigo) - represents wisdom, intuition. seeing the bigger picture. When Blocked: believing illusions, brain fog, poor decision making, lack of inspiration. To Balance: Listen your inner messages, wear blue, practice balancing yoga postures.

  • Crown

    Sahasrara - Crown Chakra (Violet) - represents being connected spiritually. When Blocked: Headaches, poor concentration, chaotic lifestyle, overly materialistic. To Balance: meditation, volunteer work.,gratitude journal, wear purple, practice headstands and/ or other inverted yoga poses.

Chakra Music Mix